Descanz seith – secund radn
(SWF: deskans seyth)
Lesson 7; second part
Another note on pronunciation:
Short vowels continued.
We have seen the long forward version of the letter "a" written with a circumflex in such words as brân, câth, râg (SWF: bran, cath, rag).
A short forward version of the letter "a",
written without an accent, is found in words where it is stressed and pronounced as in English "cat" -
(except in some words where it is followed by double "n" and is pronounced as short o)
a welaz = saw
anfîr = unwise
anglev = unwell
anish = doubtful
araz = to plough
aval = apple (SWF: aval)
awêdh =also (SWF: y’wedh)
awel = weather (SWF: awel)
bagaz = a group, a bush (SWF: bagas)
bah = a hook
bara = bread (SWF: bara)
bargentîr = a farm
bargez = a buzzard
brag = malt
cabm = bent (SWF: cabm/kabm)
canz = a hundred (SWF: cans/kans)
carn = a rock
cavatsh = cabbage
cawaz = to get, to take (cawaz badna = to have a drop)
da = dad
daddar = goodness
dadn = under (SWF: 'dadn)
darraz = door (SWF: daras)
davaz = sheep (ewe)
fatla = how (SWF: fatla)
favan = a bean
fraga = what for
gadzhak = off colour
ganaw = mouth (SWF: ganow)
gwadn = weak (SWF: gwadn)
gwrah = an old woman
hagar = ugly (SWF: hager)
hagar-awel = bad weather
hagar-ober = a crime
hagenzol = additionally, besides
hwadnan = a flea
iach = healthy, well
mabm = mum (SWF: mabm)
manin = butter (SWF: amanen)
na(g) = not (SWF: na(g))
padzhar = four (SWF: pajar)
panna? = what? (SWF: pana)
pandra? = what thing? (SWF: pandra)
parrez = ready
radn = part (SWF: radn)
rag = for (SWF: rag)
Similarly we have seen the long letter "i" written with a circumflex.
The shortest version of the letter "i",
written without an accent, is found in words where it is stressed and followed by a double consonant or two different consonants:
billan = horrid
brinni = crows (SWF: brini)
castilli = castles
Chewidn = White Thursday
crinnik = dry stick
dâmah widn = grandmother (SWF: dama-wydn)
finn = stiffness
fortidniez = fortunate
gillez = gone
ginniaw = downs (SWF: gonyow)
gwidhlan = plantation
gwidn = white (SWF: gwydn)
gwills = wild
idn = one (SWF: udn)
lill = randy
linwidh = timber trees
listri = vessels (dishes or ships) (SWF: lestri)
milliaw = thousands (SWF: milyow)
pidn = pin
pill = creek (So, place name Pill Creek is rather repetitious!)
pistil = shute
pitshar = pitcher
pitt = pit
quilhan = quill, pen
quilkin = frog
sîrah widn = grandfather (SWF: sira-wydn)
skibbet = compartment
skirret = tern
tidn = tight, painful
vidna vi? = will I?
Zillan = Scilly
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