Monday, 2 June 2008

Lesson 5.1

Descanz Pemp – Radn wynen
(SWF: Deskans pymp – radn onan)
Lesson Five – part 1

AN VEANI = THE FAMILY or the household
(a family = meani, cf. French ménage))
also an teilu
(SWF : an teylu)

Ellama presentia an veani vi? = Can I introduce my household?
Ellama presentia an teilu vi? = Can I present my family?


Don’t forget: a noun on its own implies the indefinite article, unless abstract.
The definite article before a noun is “an” (or occasionally “a”).
e.g. Dên = a man (SWF: den)
An dên = the man (SWF: an den)

Masculine nouns:

Baba = baby (SWF: baban)
Brodar = brother (SWF: broder)
Dên = man (SWF: den)
Flôh = child (SWF: flogh)
Flehaz = children (SWF: flehes)
Flôh widn = grandchild (SWF: flogh wydn)
Gûr = husband
Gurhog = great-great-great grandfather
Gyrti = man of the house
Kenderu(m) = cousin (SWF: kenderow)
Mau = boy (rhyme with more or paw)(SWF: maw)
Mâb = son (SWF: mab)
Mâb widn = grandson (SWF: mab-wydn)
Ounter = uncle
Ountraz = uncles
Sîrah = sire, father (SWF: sira)
Sîrah widn = grandfather (SWF: sira-wydn)
Sîrez widn = grandfathers
Tâz = father (SWF: tas)(used for God the Father)
Tâz widn = grandfather (SWF: tas-gwynn)
Teilu = family, household (alt. to meani)(SWF: teylu)

Feminine nouns:

After the definite article (an) some feminine singular nouns mutate (the initial letter changes) to a softer sound. b to v, d to dh, gwr to wr, k to g, m to v, etc. Feminine plurals do not mutate.

(On the other hand, some masculine plurals associated with people do mutate, e.g. tîz = men, an dîz = the men)

Benen/venen = woman (SWF: benyn)
Dâmah/dhâmah = mother (SWF: dama)
Dâmah/dhâmah widn = grandmother (SWF: dama-wydn)
Gwrêg/gwreag/ wrêg/wreag = wife
Hôar = sister (SWF: hwor)
Hwerith = sisters (SWF: hwerydh)
Kynitheru/gynitheru = cousin (F)
Mabm/vabm = mum (SWF: mabm)
Mabm/vabm widn = granny (SWF: mabm-wydn)
Mamteilu/vamteilu = lady of the house
Meani/veani = family
Merh/verh = daughter (SWF: mergh = girl)
Merh widn/verh widn = granddaughter
Mirhaz = daughters (SWF: merhes = girls)
Modereb/vodereb = aunt
Modrebeth = aunts
Moaz/voaz = girl
Muzi = girls (plurals don’t mutate after an)

(feminine nouns beginning with b,d,gwr,k,m mutate (to v,dh,wr,g,v) after definite article - there are other mutations, but there are no examples in this exercise)


Ê or ev = he/his (after noun) (SWF: ev)
Hebma = this one (pronoun, masculine)(SWF:hebma)
Hedna = that one (pronoun, masculine)(SWF: hedna)
Hei = she/her (after noun)(SWF: hei)
Holma = this one(pronoun, feminine)(SWF: holma/hobma)
Hodna = that one(pronoun, feminine)(SWF: hodna)
Andzhei = they/their (after noun)(SWF: anjei)

Verbs, adjectives, etc.

Entî = certainly
Ez? = is/are there? (SWF: eus?)
Gen = with/by (SWF: gen)
Ma = this (after noun) (SWF: ma)
Mâ = (subject)is or there is (3rd person sing., locative not descriptive)(SWF: ma)
Na = that (SWF: na)
Orol = other (SWF: aral, pl. erel)
Peleh? = where? (pronounce with stress on second syllable)(SWF: ple)
Piu or piua? = who is? (SWF: piw = who)
Theu/eu = it is (SWF: th ew e’)
Ybma = here, here is/are (SWF: obma)
Yta = behold, here/there is (cf French voici/voila)(SWF: otta)

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